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My cake the photo model .

Of course my cakes ar not high-end fashion models, but for me my cakes are the inspiration perfect my food photography. I have like zero experience taking a good photo with food as the subject. It is far more difficult than i thougth. I a visited my good old pal, google and found some interesting tips. I bought a backdrop (basically a background you can use for the photos). You can use everything you want. I used my curtains for a while, my purple wall and a white wall, before i bought a canvas with a pattern i liked. Another good tip is, take a lot of photos of the same piece. The beauty of digital camera's is that you remove the ones you end up not using, use the one that you like, the one that make your piece shine. This last one seems like a "everybody does that anyway" tip, but if i look at my own photography behaviour, i expected that the first shot was the right shot, and it does not work that way :) Another good tip is, add an watermark. I forget that often, but it prevent other people from stealing you work but more important you get the credit for the work you deliver. Use a watermark!!!

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