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We all say the same thing, family is the most importing thing the world. In my case that is a bit complicated, but ever since my nieces and nephew were born, i know what matters to me. Adults, well they can suck, they can be liars and unfair. My nieces and nephew on the other side, they are the most beautiful human beings and i love them to death. I would do everything for them.

One of them, my now 8 year old niece lives like 5 minutes away from me, and ever since she was born, we share a special bond. She calls me her aunt-mom and we have an unspoken trust in each other, very difficult to explain, but very beautiful to feel. Okay enough about our bond.

Sometimes i will pick her up from school and asks her what she wants to do, and her answer is always, i want to make cupcakes of cookies with you. I love love love baking with her, and she gets to do almost everything on her own. (when i am writing this right now, i caught my self smiling at my screen). She always makes the most beautiful things in her own way. I am always so proud of her, i will tell her that she can always come and work for me ( i don't own a bussiness, it is just play) and she always says, that when is a big as me, she will come and work with me, next to her real job, doctor. God i love her (and both my other niece and nephew).

Please do not look at the mess, we love to make a mess when we are busy! Everything gets cleaned up when we are done baking.

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